We all claim that we are trying to save money but the way you do it makes the biggest difference. If you've had a difficult time saving money, it's time to explore this "Land of the Rising Sun," also called Japan. They've come up with a clever technique known as the kakeibo method which is the use of nothing more than notebooks to save. If you're looking for a way to use it, get an eraser and start writing.

Brighitnight is concerned with your budget and is eager to help you purchase that new pair of shoes that you've been eyeing at the end of the month. Therefore, we'll make this process as easy as we can to make it easy for you to note down your notes.

Step 1: Get your notebook!

Perhaps you're being in a world of devices at once that you're not sure how to begin. So, we suggest you put aside the gadgets and return to the classic way of creating. Get a notebook, pen and begin writing. You'll be able to retain more information by writing the letters down instead of typing them onto an electronic screen, according to research.


Kakeibo actually means "household account book," and dates all until 1904. Hani Motoko came up with this method and is believed to be the first Japanese female journalist. There are also Kakeibo notebooks are available for purchase, but you'll just be right with a normal notebook.


Step 2: A monthly income schedule

The first step is to begin with a list of all of your income sources and the amount you earn each month. Create four columns that represent the days of the month. Create an individual table to represent each week. You can record it using columns, bullets, or whatever suits your needs. The way we'll present it is in the table.


In the first month of each month, record the amount you are certain you'll earn. It should be written in red, for example. Any extra money you earn following this must be written in a different color (or block-letters). Let's suppose you write your income in green. Note down each dollar you earn regardless of whether it's income, sale of goods or debts paid, etc.


Step 3: A monthly savings plan

Create a second table in which you'll record how much you'd like to save every week of the respective month. It is important to determine this amount prior to making your budget.


Step 4: A monthly expense plan

Next, you must write on paper your expenses for the month. Make a list of any fixed expenses you'll encounter in the next month, such as utility bills, rent phone bills, Internet bills.

5. A plan to cover the remaining costs

The remaining money after deducting ordinary expenses and adding the amount you wish to save is the money you are able to spend. This can be split into four categories. The first category is for the cost of living such as food, clothes gasoline, household goods and more. The second one is for education and culture costs, which may include tickets to museums or even educational classes.


The third one is entertainment, which is the one where you'll need to track every meal or lunch you've taken out. The last category is "others," and it's where you'll be able to record all other expenses that do not fit in one of the previous categories. The ratio between these four groups is entirely up to you.

Step 6: draw the line

At the conclusion of the month examine the results and determine whether you've stayed within your budget. You'll have a clearer idea of how much you pay for things that you don't really need, and you can make better budget plans for the coming month. This tool can help you track everything you make as well as spend, in a easy, yet detailed manner. The goal is to improve your savings.

If you've got any extra money after spending it, save it in an account for savings or round up the amount you spend and put the remainder in piggy banks. If you follow this strategy will allow you to save approximately 35% or more of your cash.


Four questions to keep in your mind

There are no apps, no tech No complicated calculationsJust take a look at these questions. The art of mindful spending is among the strategies of kakeibo and those who are fans of the Japanese method are aware that creating budgets will help you save more. Instead of worrying about the things you're unable to pay for, you think about the things you value and what you can put your money on.


BONUS: Get another notebook!

Once you've logged everything you earn, spend and savings, you should purchase another notebook, a smaller size for your convenience. This notebook should be carried everywhere you travel. Keep track of every item you buy in it even if it's one candy bar that costs $1. Additionally, you should create your shopping list every time you shop at the grocery store to aid you in staying on the right track when it comes to spending.


What are your spending habits? If you've ever used this strategy before what was the amount you save?

Published on: 6/17/22, 7:14 PM