According to PISA estimates, Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea are at the top of education ratings. Students 15 years old from the East are more proficient in science, math, and reading than students from other parts of the world.

Eastern countries aim to raise a successful, talented child who is respectful of their culture and elders and is a good person. How do these countries accomplish this?


These rules have been in place for decades and are still being followed by many Asian countries. Bright Side will tell you all about them in this article.


They believe education is not the most important thing in their lives.

This belief is only applicable to the first two years. Emotions are crucial during this time, which is why children are loved and cared for. It is important to have physical contact with your children. Parents often take their children along even if it is not necessary.


People here don't believe that children can understand anything before a certain age. Although children are unable to respond, they begin to receive and analyze information well before they are even born. Parents should be role models even for their children when they are young.


They value personal experience.

Contrary to the west, East Asian parents do not prohibit certain things. Adults can simply redirect their attention to something better or more dangerous than the child. According to the Eastern system, children can't explore if there are restrictions.


The dangers and reasons why certain things should not be done will be explained to the child, but no one will ban anything. These children will have a better way of thinking in the future. They can think up unique solutions and follow important rules.

They are irrelevant to their own interests.

Western parents might say "Don't hurt yourself," for example. In the East, however, they would say "Don't hurt other people." Children are taught respect for other people and animals before they turn 3.


Children are taught to live with others, be able to help them and consider their needs. This approach is believed to be essential for the development and maintenance of harmony in Japan. Children are taught to join the team.

Children between the ages of 2 and 3 can participate in several sports and take part in educational classes.

Children learn the fundamentals of good manners and this is where their overall development begins. A 3-year-old child can have a busy day. Children can learn English, math and drawing while also taking acting, singing, and acting classes.


This system allows all children to learn basic math and grammar by age 4. At the age of five, children can be ready to start school. They are taught discipline and to end their careless childhoods.

Elementary school students can go it alone.

In Japan and Korea, 6 year old children can go to school by themselves, for example. Mothers do not take their children to school.


Children can often count, write and read simple books by the time they start school. People in Asia believe that teaching children how to count early on develops the brain's frontal lobes and enhances creativity.


A student has to take the time to decide their future career when that moment arrives.

A child can be considered an adult when they are between the ages of 12-16 years old. They are responsible for their decisions and make them. Children in this country aren't pressured to choose a career if they aren't ready, unlike the West.


It is very important to have close family ties. A child can stay with their family as long as they want. Often, however, children reach 14 years old and know their goals well enough to be able to live independently.


This system has been around for hundreds of years. This system allows parents to raise intelligent, talented children who are respectful of traditions and can work well as a team.


The Eastern system's most important rule is that the parent should explain their decisions. Love, care, and support are all essential to the development of a healthy child. They can achieve amazing results in school and work if they have the right amount of discipline and independence.


What do you think about the Asian education system? Please leave your comments below!

Published on: 6/17/22, 7:12 PM